Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Finish Interactive Notebooks, Writing Activity, Per 3 Community Building, Per 4 Class Expectations

-I hope you had a nice long weekend! :) Roses & thorns?


-Let's finish organizing and going over our interactive notebooks...

Reminder - have parent/guardian sign p.2 & p.5 before our first test (I'll check it when I grade notebooks)

As we go over the syllabus on p.6 please add this:
Grading Scale
A - 90-100
B - 80-89
C - 70-79
D - 60-69
F - below 60
Grading Categories
Assessments 40%
Interactive Notebook 20%
Labs 20%
Projects 10%
Worksheets 10%

Clock Partners - start at 12 and find a partner for each number going clockwise; you and your partner must have each other's name written on the same number.

Now, please turn to page 9 in your notebook.
We'll start this page to give you an example of how you will use your interactive notebook daily in FPC class.

"What Is Science to You?" Writing Activity 

(3 paragraphs total, one full page minimum; include 

today's date and activity 

title at top)

1. What are some fun things that you would like to do in FPC class this year? What interests you in science? 

2. Name 3 goals that you will set for yourself for this year in FPC class.

3. If you had to give yourself a letter grade in this class so far in terms of being respectful, responsible, and engaged, what grade would you get? Why? Is there anything you can improve on to get started on the right foot? What would help you raise this grade?

After you answer the questions on the right, move over to page 8 on the left and process what you just wrote about through drawings, diagrams, tables, charts, song lyrics you made up about it, etc. You must use color! 

Period 3: Please clean up all materials and put away your belongings.
We are a class period ahead of the other FPC class (good job!), so today if we have time we're going to do a community building activity called "Take What You Need." We need to get in one big circle. Same classroom rules and expectations, no electronics, & we're giving each other our undivided attention!

-Period 4: 

I want you to have a say in what our expectations LOOK LIKE:

1. In table groups, assign a Materials Manager, a Recorder, a Time Keeper, and a Task Manager.

2. Materials manager: please take one white board and a marker back to your table group

3. Write down ideas of what your group thinks each expectation looks like in the classroom. What are you as students doing to show respectresponsibilityengagement? For example: our group feels that listening and not talking during instruction is an example of respect.

4. I will ask each group for their best example of each expectation & we'll put them on our class poster (need a volunteer to copy onto poster)

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