Tuesday, September 15, 2015

'Branches of Science' handout due; 1.2 Scientific Approach & 'Writing a Hypothesis' worksheet

Chapter 1 - Science Skills (p.1)
Concepts in Action

What we did on Friday - 1.1 What Is Science? (p.2-6) Skim for general understanding

'What Are the Branches of Science'? handout - review answers, turn in for 10pts

Moving right along...
1.2 Using a Scientific Approach

Learning Objective: I can form a testable hypothesis by completing 'Writing a Hypothesis' accurately

*In groups, come up with 3 CAUSE/EFFECT sentences
"If I turn up the thermostat, then the room will be warmer"

hypothesis - a proposed answer to a question
scientific method - an organized plan for gathering, organizing, and communicating information

Scientific Method Song!

Fill in Concept Map on board

The goal of any scientific method is to solve a problem or better understand an event.

In groups, complete the 'Writing a Hypothesis' worksheet

Share out answers from groups

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