Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Warm Up; Begin Basketball Lab

FYI: Tutorial Thursday AND Friday this week - come & work!

WARM UP (left side) 5/10/16
1. Energy is the ability to _____ ________.
2. The energy of motion is called _________ energy.
3. Energy that is stored is called _________ energy.
4. KE=_________________(equation)
5. Calculate the kinetic energy of a 3kg ball being rolled down a ramp at a constant velocity of 2m/s.
6. Energy can be __________ from one form to another
7. What are the six different forms of energy?
8. What does the Law of Conservation of Energy say?

Basketball Kinetic vs Potential Video

Begin 'Energy of a Basketball' Lab with graph
Due by end of class on Thursday 5/12 for 30 points

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