Thursday, March 3, 2016

Do Buoyancy Activity

1. Mass of empty vial_______g

2. Mass of vial with tap water______g
   Mass of vial with salt water_____g

3. Volume of tap water______ml
   Volume of salt water______ml

4. Mass of tap water_______g
   Mass of salt water_______g

5. PREDICT: Considering the mass of the empty vial, the vial with tap water, vial with salt water, make a prediction as to what you think will happen when you place the three vials in a tub of water. Will they all sink? All float? Some float? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. Now TEST your prediction. Place the vials in a tub of water. Did they sink or float?
Empty vial_________
Vial with tap water____________
Vial with salt water___________

7. If any vials did float, add mass (paperclips) to the vial until they sink. How many paperclips did it take to get it to sink?
Empty vial___
Vial with tap water___
Vial with salt water___

8. EXPLAIN your results using vocabulary terms we’ve learning in class. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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