Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Begin Semester 2! Review exam, reflection; Begin Physics: Marble Inquiry Activity

-Day 1 of Semester 2! :) 18 weeks remain of this school year

-Cool science news: planets align this week

-Pass back and review Semester 1 Final Exam

-Reflection on Semester 1: 10 minute free write

On left side of Interactive Notebook (start new Sem2 section)

1. What three things am I most proud of from Sem 1?
2. What three things would you like to improve in Sem.2?
3. What are you most looking forward to in Sem. 2?

-Begin Physics! Wait, what is physics exactly?
 Physics Is Life video

Begin new section & TOC in Interactive Notebook

Chapter 11 - Motion (right hand side)
Learning Objective: I can investigate the motion of an object on a ramp by changing the angle of the ramp.
Inquiry Activity: How Does a Ramp Affect a Rolling Marble?
-Work in table groups but complete your own lab sheet
-Lab Sheet will be turned in for 10 points

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