Friday, December 4, 2015

Chapter 3 Review & Jeopardy

"Every time you see darkness around or feeling grief or 

heavy about it, remember that it could be that you are

here as a bringer of light." -Fatima Ariadne

Be the light. heart emoticon

-Review Ch. 3 Notes...

3.1 - Solids, Liquids, & Gases
Watch video 
Key Ideas:
-Everything is made up of particles that are constantly moving
-The particles of solids, liquids, and gases are arranged differently and therefore behave differently; this is why solids, liquids, and gases have different properties
-SOLID: particles are tightly packed in a regular pattern; force between particles is strong, so particles do not move freely
-LIQUID: particles are close but arranged randomly; force between particles is weak, so particles move freely
-GAS: particles are not close and are arranged randomly; force between particles is very weak, so particles move freely

Kinetic Theory
Watch video
Key ideas:
-Solids, liquids, and gases all have particles that are moving, but the difference is the amount of energy they have.
-SOLID: low amount of energy, incompressible because no space between particles
-LIQUID: more energy than solids, incompressible because no space between particles
-GAS: high energy, compressible because a lot of space between particles

-3.2 The Gas Law
Key Ideas:
-Three things affect gas pressure: 
1.temperature - if temp goes up, pressure goes up (video);
this is the basis of Charles's Law
2. volume - if volume goes down, pressure goes up (video); remember, it's the volume of the container, not the gas

3. number of particles - if it goes up, pressure goes up; these two relationships demonstrate Boyle's Law

-3.3 Phase Changes (review answers from worksheet)
Key ideas to write down on left side of interactive notebook:

During a phase change, a substance either absorbs or releases energy.

Endothermic - absorbs energy
Exothermic -  releases energy

Examples of the six phase changes:
condensation (gas to liquid)Image result for condensation
sublimation (solid to gas)Image result for sublimation 
deposition (gas to solid)Image result for deposition chemistry gas to solid
melting (solid to liquid) Image result for melting
freezing (liquid to solid)Image result for freezing
vaporization (liquid to gas)Image result for vaporization

-Chapter 3 Jeopardy!

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