Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Review Work; Power

WARM UP (left side; 4/12/16)
1. For a force to do work on an object, some of the _____ must act in the same direction as the object moves. 
2. Work is the product of _____ and _____.
3. The unit used to measure work is the _____.
4. Work = Force x Distance
Archie pushes a wagon a distance of 5 meters (5m) and uses 6 Newtons (6N) of force. What is the amount of work that Archie has done? (make sure to include the correct unit of measurement)
5. One specific goal I have for myself in FPC class for Quarter 4 is...

Quarter 3 Grades were posted on Friday!

This Week: Tutorial Thursday, Assembly Friday

Congratulations go out to all of Franklin's High School Innovation Challenge participants!

This year's theme was "[Re]Fresh Our H2O." Eight high schools teams were invited to design technological solutions to address any problem facing humanity related to freshwater.  

Our team's theme was "Gamifying Water Conservation”. They came up with a revolutionary idea: make saving water fun through the creation of a water conservation app game that tracks our daily, weekly, and monthly consumption, along with other stats, such as fixture usage…They walked away as winners in the "Most Creative Solution" category.

Please congratulate our team for their hard work, they all put in many hours and efforts on this project:

Jack Chen
Jessica Lam
Denny Glenn
Quince Assenberg

Return Ramp Inquiry Activity and review 

Notes from Presentation : POWER

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