Monday, March 7, 2016

13.2 Forces and Pressure in Fluids

WARM UP (3/7/16, left hand side)
1. What makes something float or sink? 
2. In our Buoyancy Activity from last Thursday, why did the empty vial float in water while the tap water filled and salt water filled vials sank? (be able to explain the activity's procedure and results out loud)

Watch this short VIDEO about buoyancy (3:28)

In your textbook, read section 13.2 Forces and Pressure in Fluids. On page 397 answer #1-5 questions on a new right hand page in your notebook. Then do left side processing.

When you finish, ask for a checkmark and work on updating table of contents and doing more color processing in your notebook. Chapter 13 test and notebook check will be next week before break!

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