Friday, April 1, 2016

Begin 14: Work, Power, & Machines; 14.1 Work and Power

WARM UP (left side) 4/1/16
1. Why can a snowblower remove snow faster than a person using a shovel?
2. Why do many hiking trails wind back and forth up a mountain instead of going straight up?
3. Why do bicycles have gears?

Chapter 14: Work, Power, & Machines 4/1/16 (right side)

Notes from Presentation 

How Do Ramps Help You Raise Objects? Inquiry Activity
1. Make a stack of five books.
2. Make a ramp by leaning a short board against the top of the book stack. Place a sixth book against the bottom edge of the board to keep the ramp from moving.
3. Measure the height and length of the ramp.
4. Use a spring scale to pull an object up the ramp at a constant speed. Record the force indicated on the spring scale.
5. Repeat Steps 2-4 using a longer board.
Think About It
1. Which ramp required a greater force to pull the object?
2. How do you think the force needed to pull the object would change if the cart accelerated up the length of the ramp?
3. Explain why a box that is too heavy to lift can often be pushed up a ramp.

Complete 14.1 Work and Power worksheet and glue into notebook, get checkmark when completed.

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