Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Review Ch 13 Vocab & 13.1 questions; Intro Buoyancy Activity

Midterm Progress Reports go out today

3 Weeks until Spring Break!

-Chapter 13: Forces in Fluids (right side of notebook)

*Use your textbook to define the following vocabulary terms:
1. pressure - the result of a force distributed over an area
2. pascal - the unit of pressure found by dividing the force by the area over which the force acts; P=F/A
3. fluid - a substance that assumes the shape of its container.
4. Pascal's principle - a change in pressure at any point in a fluid is transmitted equally and unchanged in all directions throughout the fluid.

5. hydraulic system - a device that uses pressurized fluid acting on pistons of different sized to change a force.
6. Bernoulli's principle - as the speed of a fluid increases, the pressure within the fluid decreases.
7. lift - the pressure difference between the top and the bottom of the wing creates this upward force.
8. buoyancy - the ability of a fluid to exert an upward force on an object placed in it. 
9. buoyant force - acts in the opposite direction as gravity and exerts an upward force on an object in water
10. Archimedes' principle - the buoyant force on an object is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object.
When you have finished writing all the definitions, do left side color processing that reflects the terms on the right.

Next right hand page...*When you finish vocabulary words and processing, please read 13.1 Fluid Pressure in your textbook (p. 390-393) and answer questions #1-5 on p.393 in your notebook.

Review answers:
1. Force and area are needed to calculate pressure.
2. Water pressure increases as depth increases.
3. At a given depth, pressure is constant and exerted equally in all directions.
4. Atmospheric pressure decreases as altitude above sea level increases. 
5. You cannot feel atmospheric pressure acting on your body because the pressure inside your body balances the pressure outside.

Let's watch some videos to help make these ideas more clear. 
Liquid pressure


1. Mass of empty vial_______g
2. Mass of vial with tap water______g
    Mass of vial with salt water_____g
3. Volume of tap water______ml
    Volume of salt water______ml
4. Mass of tap water_______g
    Mass of salt water_______g
5. How does the difference in mass of the empty, tap water filled, and salt water filled vials relate to buoyancy?

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