Monday, January 11, 2016


-Ch. 4 Quiz Wednesday & notebooks due

Atomic structure:
Electrons fill the outer shells of an atom
Only 2 electrons can fill the innermost shell
Outer shells hold eight and prefer to have their outer shell filled, making them stable.
-Hydrogen is stable when it only has 2 valence electrons

-A compound is a substance make of the bonded atoms of two or more different elements.

Watch this video 'Atomic Structure' to help explain the structure of atoms
Make vocabulary flashcards:
atomic number
mass number

-Do 4.2 worksheet: Atomic Structure

Watch NOVA Video: Island of Stability (start at 3:38; 13:10)
1. What is element #92, the last of the naturally occurring elements?
2.What makes a nucleus 'doubly magic?'
3. How do you 'add' atoms together?

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