Monday, November 30, 2015

3.2 & 3.3

-Roses & Thorns: I hope you had a good break! :)

-Tutorial this Thursday 12/3: see me in C13

-Today: 3.2 & 3.3
-Wed 12/2 work on Ch.3 Study Guide
-Fri 12/4 Ch.3 Jeopardy & work on notebooks
-Tues 12/8 Chapter 3 Test & notebooks due

-Midterm Progress Reports go out on Tuesday 12/8

Under Pressure! -David Bowie & Queen

-11/30/15 WARM UP (left side)
1.Which state of matter has randomly arranged, freely moving particles with a lot of space between them & a very low force of attraction between particles?

2. Which state of matter has randomly arranged, close together particles and a weak force of attraction between particles that allows them to move freely?

3.Which state of matter has closely packed particles in a regular pattern with a strong force between particles so that they cannot move freely?

4. Everything is made up of particles that are constantly _____  ___________.

-Return States of Matter QuickLab (20 pts) & review answers
(Use complete sentences in all lab write-ups!)

-Updated Interactive Notebook Table of Contents here

-3.2 The Gas Laws (review answers from worksheet)
Key Ideas to write on left side of interactive notebook:

-Three things affect gas pressure: 
1.temperature - if temp goes up, pressure goes up (video);
this is the basis of Charles's Law
2. volume - if volume goes down, pressure goes up (video); remember, it's the volume of the container, not the gas
3. number of particles - if it goes up, pressure goes up; these two relationships demonstrate Boyle's Law

-3.3 Phase Changes (review answers from worksheet)
Key ideas to write down on left side of interactive notebook:

During a phase change, a substance either absorbs or releases energy.
Image result for freezing sublimation condensation melting deposition vaporization (draw this in notebook)
Endothermic - absorbs energy
Exothermic -  releases energy

Examples of the six phase changes:
condensation (gas to liquid)Image result for condensation
sublimation (solid to gas)Image result for sublimation 
deposition (gas to solid)Image result for deposition chemistry gas to solid
melting (solid to liquid) Image result for melting
freezing (liquid to solid)Image result for freezing
vaporization (liquid to gas)Image result for vaporization

Each Chapter 3 worksheet should be glued into its own right hand side page. Across from each worksheet, you need to do color processing on the left hand page. 

Review answers to WordWise worksheet.
Hidden Term? Definition?

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