Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Continue Density/Properites of Water Stations Packet

Hope you had a good long weekend :)

Business Items:
End of Q1 is this Thursday, 10/29/15!
All Q1 work must be turned in by Thursday for credit
Come see me in room C13 Tues or Wed for retakes, etc.

Continued Learning Objective: I can measure the mass and volume of and object in order to determine its density.

Density & Properties of Water Work Packet - 30 points
Today there are three stations set up and you will move through each station at your own pace. On the table tent there are important notes and hints to help you.

When finished: turn in for credit & work on interactive notebooks!

Notes (to write down at the top of page 1 of packet):

density - the ratio of the mass of a substance to its volume; can be used to test a substance's purity
Density Triangle:
mass=d x v

Image result for density triangle

Page 1 #4 Hint: To solve for the mass of the flask filled with acetone, you first have to figure out the mass of the water that was in the flask (mass with water - mass empty = mass of water). Then use the density of water (1.0g/mL) to find the volume of acetone, and the mass of acetone. Finally find the mass of the flask+acetone.

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