Sunday, August 30, 2015

FPC Day 2

-New Seating Chart 

-Roses & Thorns from the first week of school/weekend

-Did you remember to get a notebook? Contract?

-Review Classroom Expectations & Rules Handout together

I want you to have a say in what our expectations LOOK LIKE:

1. In table groups, assign a materials manager, a recorder, a time keeper, and a task manager.

2. Materials manager: please take one white board and a marker back to your table group

3. Write down ideas of what your group thinks each expectation looks like in the classroom. What are you as students doing to show respectresponsibilityengagement? For example: our group feels that listening and not talking during instruction is an example of respect.

4. I will ask each group for their best example of each expectation & we'll put them on our class poster

I need a volunteer to write on our class poster - creative types, that's you! 

"What is Science" writing activity
- What is the most recent science class you took? Was it a positive experience? Why or why not?
- What do you think about your performance in that class? Is there anything you could have improved upon? What did you do well?
- In what ways do you think that science is a part of our daily lives?

Silent, independent work

Turn in as Exit Ticket

Bring notebook for next class!

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