Monday, June 6, 2016

Last day of FPC; study, make notecards, play review game

-Finals Study Day & last day of regular classes!

Final: Period 3 Thurs 8:15-9:45; Period 4 Tues 12:10-1:40
-50 multiple choice questions, 100 points, Scantron
-5 chapters, 10 questions from each chapter
-You may have one notecard to use on the final
-I will give you equations and you'll have calculators

Reminder of expectations during FPC final:
-Be on time
-Come ready to focus and try your best
-No electronics while testing; 
 OK to use quietly when done 
-Bring #2 pencils for Scantron sheet
-Bring something quiet to do when finished; no talking until everyone is finished with the exam

-Semester 2 Study Guide

-Make your notecard to use on the final exam

-Play CRUMPLE & SHOOT review game

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Finals Study Day

Finals Study Day (Semester 2 Study Guide)

Play CRUMPLE & SHOOT review game?

Last Day to turn in S2 work is tomorrow, June 3rd!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Meetings/Extra Credit

Return Ch 15 Tests & Notebooks

Ch 15 test retakes

Meet with Ms. Ferro

Extra Credit opportunity: 
Watch COSMOS Episode 1: A Spacetime Odyssey (45mins)
and complete worksheet

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Ch 15 Test & Notebooks Due

Chapter 15 Test & Notebooks Due

Chapter 15 Test today!

-Use first 20 minutes of class to study for your test and finish up notebooks

-Turn in interactive notebook for 50 points

-Test taking procedures:
*Try your best, take your time, & stay focused
*No talking (everyone deserves a quiet testing environment)
*No personal electronic devices while testing
*When finished, bring your test up to me and then read, do homework, listen to music quietly.

Image result for good luck

Friday, May 20, 2016

Ch 15 study guide & notebook work time

Sorry I can't be here today, I'm out sick. Email me if you have any questions about the study guide.

Today you will have all period to work on the Ch 15 Study Guide.Try your best with no notes first to test yourself, then use notes if needed. The sub has a key for you to check your answers when you're done.

You can work on your notebook when done with the study guide. Please use your time wisely!

The test next Tuesday will be 20 questions, 40 points, multiple choice. Don't forget your notebook is also due Tues for 50 pts.

All S2 work needs to be submitted by Friday, June 3rd!

Have a good weekend :)